一、淨心活動: 默念21次太陽神咒與做光的冥想,為世界祈福。🙏🏻 Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu(願天下蒼生幸福快樂!)
二、分享賽的啟發 《靈修的重要》 生命的尊貴有賴於不斷地從事靈修的練習。沒有了這項練習,生命便墮落了。舉例來說,鑽石經過切割、琢磨之後便加值了。同樣地,黃金從礦石中開採出來,經過粹鍊就會變得精純、價值不斐。相同地,要將生命由不重要提升到莊嚴出眾,靈修是必要的。 The refinement of life calls for continuous spiritual practice. Without such practice, life gets degraded. For instance, a diamond gets enhanced in value when it goes through the process of cutting and faceting. Likewise, gold, taken out as ore from the earth, becomes pure and valuable after refinement. In the same manner, sadhana (spiritual practice) is necessary to elevate life from the trivial to the sublime. -Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Vol.IV., P.98.
二、分享勵志小語 FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football, has sponsored the World Cup tournament since 1930. FIFA代表國際足球總會,它從1930年起就開始主辦世界盃錦標賽。
二、分享勵志小語 Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a time to show gratitude for good things you have in life. 人們會在十一月的第四個禮拜四慶祝感恩節,並對於所擁有的一切心懷感恩。 本週任務:本週請花點時間,想一想,生活中有誰幫助過我們?也許是實質的協助,或是默默的支持與祝福,都帶給我們無限的力量。請利用感恩節,向這些人表達內心的感謝。你將發現:生命因為感恩而豐盈!
大樹班(國、高中生) 時間:週六上午10:00-12:00 一、淨心活動: 默念21次太陽神咒與做光的冥想MP3,為世界祈福。 🙏🏻 Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu(願天下蒼生幸福快樂!)
二、分享賽的啟發 《感恩的房客》 身體是租給你的房子,房東是神。祂決定你可以住多久,請用信心及奉獻的租金來感謝祂。 The body is a house given to you on rent. The owner is God. Live there as long as He wills, thanking Him and paying Him the rent of Faith and Devotion. - Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. X. p.274. *巴巴也曾比喻「身體是一部車子,心是龥匙,神是駕駛。」不管身體像房子或車子,都是物質所組成,終究會敗壞。但人身難得,我們要善用這個身體多做無私的服務,過有意義的生活。人是由身心靈組成,除了照顧好身體,也要看顧好我們的心念,更要對我們內在的神性(靈)要有堅定的信心。
2.分享勵志小語: It was such a pleasure to be your student. You've taught me so much. 何其榮幸能成為您的學生,您教會了我好多事。 本週任務:本週請花點時間,回想一,改變你生命的老師。你可以給老師捎張卡片,或者,打個電話簡單問候。除了感謝老師,也别忘了告訴他你的改變與成長,相信這將會是老師收到最棒的教師節禮物。 *請家長協助小朋友在「幼苗小樹」Line群組分享,聰明丸再+2。
大樹班(國、高中生) 時間:上午10:00-12:00 1.淨心活動:默念21次太陽神咒與做光的冥想,為世界祈福。MP3🙏🏻 Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu(願天下蒼生幸福快樂!)
2.分享賽的啟發: 《大愛》 人之所以痛苦是因為他將愛受限於自己及家人。應培養一種大愛,視每個人為兄弟姊妹。擴張的愛是生命,萎縮的愛是死亡。 The cause of man’s suffering is that he has constricted his love to himself and his family. He should develop a broad feeling that all are his brothers and sisters. Expansion of love is life; Contraction of love is death. - Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol.XXXII., Part. I, P.103. *反思「擴張的愛是生命,萎縮的愛是死亡。」
2.分享勵志小語: Drop. Cover. Hold on. 趴下、掩護、穩住。 本週任務:請同學花點時間,觀察自家環境,想一想,如果地震來的時候,可以躲在哪裡?又要避開哪裡?地震雖然不像颱風可以預測,但是踏實的做好防震演練,可以在危急時刻,減少災難發生喔! *請家長協助小朋友在「幼苗小樹」Line群組分享,聰明丸再+2。
大樹班(國、高中生) 時間:上午10:00-12:00 1.淨心活動:默念21次太陽神咒與做光的冥想,為世界祈福。MP3🙏🏻 Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu(願天下蒼生幸福快樂!)
2.分享賽的啟發: 《人生旅程》 把人生看成是一條很長的鐵路旅程。在旅途中攜帶笨重的行李是不明智的。途中有許多站,就像痛苦、慾望、求知的渴望以及自我實現。攜帶的行李愈少,就能愈容易、愈快通過各個階段,然後到達目的地。因此,最主要的先決條件是根除慾望。 Look upon life as one long railway journey. In this journey it is not good to carry heavy luggage. There are stations on the way like Aarthi (suffering), Artharthi (desire for objects), Jignaasu (yearning for understanding) and Jnani (self-realization). The less luggage one carries, the more easily and quickly one can get through the various stages and reach the destination. The primary prerequisite, therefore, is the eradication of desires. - Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol.XVI.p.141.. *今天有分享到五大元素:地、水、火、風、空與五感:味覺、嗅覺、視覺、觸覺、聽覺相對應。我們的味覺-口腹之欲,令我們最沉重,挑戰每週選一天或一餐吃蔬食,體驗一下節制慾望能否為我們帶來輕安。
2.分享勵志小語: Slow and steady still wins the race. 緩慢但穩定的前進,終將贏得比賽。 本週任務:本週請花點時間為自己擬定一個計畫。不管是學業、人際或是健康管理,都能從最基本的步驟開始實踐。所謂「千里之行,始於足下」,只要穩定前行,就算步伐較慢,也終有抵達終點的時候。期待你的分享喔!(請家長協助小朋友在「幼苗小樹」Line群組分享,聰明丸再+2喔。)
大樹班(國、高中生) 時間:上午10:00-12:00 1.淨心活動:默念21次太陽神咒與做光的冥想,為世界祈福。MP3🙏🏻 Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu(願天下蒼生幸福快樂!)
2.分享賽的啟發《恩寵法則》: 再也沒有比神更好的朋友了。祂超越了讚美及責難所能及的範圍。即使人們沒有達成祂的期望,祂也從不放棄。這也是為什麼神被稱為「好朋友」的原因。神從未要求信徒要貢獻些什麼。祂是唯一一個只求付出不求回報的朋友。然而,人卻還沒準備好來接受這個朋友。惟有能接受像神這樣的朋友,以及遵從祂指導的人才能瞭解「神聖友誼」的意義。惟有這樣信賴的天性才能產生智慧。 There is no greater friend for anyone than God. He is beyond the reach of praise or censure. He does not give up man on the ground of the latter's failure to come up to His expectations. That is why God has been given the appellation, Suhrid (a good friend). God desires no offerings from any devotee. God is the only one friend who confers benefits on devotees without expecting any return. Nevertheless man does not readily accept such a friend. Only the man who accepts God as such a friend and is guided by His advice can understand the full meaning of Divine friendship. Faith of this nature alone constitutes true Jnana (wisdom). - Divine Discourse, 14th Jan 1991.